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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ending the Year in Education

The end of the school year means different things and brings about different emotions in the world of education.

For students:
Children of all ages are happy to be finishing school and heading into summer.
Some children are fearful of what the summer might bring.  They are not in happy, safe homes.  Some don't know when they will eat their next meal. Some are just afraid of making the change from one teacher/grade level/school to the next. Some are happy and excited for what the new year will bring.

For teachers:
Teachers with all years of experience are happy to be finishing school and heading into summer.
Some are ready to correct all the things they want to change and have learned throughout the year.  Some are ready for a change--students, grade level, administrators, school, or district. Some are looking forward to making new things and attending professional development to broaden and strengthen their skills to start fresh in the fall.

Administrative changes bring fear and/or excitement.

When I begin school in the fall, while working on a campus, I will be working for my 6th principal.  Each one had their own style and way of managing.  For the most part, I knew where I stood, if I was doing a good job, and how to prepare for the following year.  I was seen as a leader on campus, and was given wonderful opportunities to grow and learn. I knew what my job/position would be when summer ended.

We learned of our administrative (principal) change about a month ago.  There have been rumors, fears, excitement, and all kinds of other emotions expressed since hearing that news.  The biggest concern has been what everyone will be teaching/doing come fall and where rooms will be and if room changes will be made.  With each administrative change, these fears surface, but it has been a little different this year.  There has not been a principal change on my current campus in about a decade.  Really, that doesn't happen much in education any more.  Principal changes are made every 3-5 years.  The majority of the people on my campus have never been through a principal change, and they have been a little nervous.  Today, we got an email telling folks what room they will be in and on what team.  I have already received one phone call, a teacher not too panicked, and a few texts.  We shall see what tomorrow brings when we step on campus after these changes have been announced.  For me, when I left campus each May/June, I always knew what I would be doing come August.  I'm not so sure this year.  Yeah, that is a little stressful, but I will continue to lean on God that He has me where He needs me doing what He wants me to do, and if He wants me to make a change, He will lead me.

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