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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Journey Materials

Have you received the new materials--Girls' Guide to Girl Scouting and/or Journey Skill Builders?  I may not have called them by the correct names, but they look fantastic.  I am still waiting on my Brownie and Junior GGGS, but I have looked through the badge work for the Brownie Quest Journey.  We are almost finished earning the Keys, so I look forward to planning activities so the girls can earn the badges.

Have you worked with any of these?  How is it going?  Ideas for others?

Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday

Juliette Gordon Low's birthday has come and gone.  What did your troop do to celebrate?

Because we meet once a month, we celebrated a little early by singing and enjoying a giant chocolate chip cookie.  We also read a short biography about her and spent time discussing cancer awareness.

The girls painted pumpkins in the colors representing various cancer awarenesses.  The pumpkins were then put into arrangements and placed at a local Oncology Center to brighten up the waiting areas.