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Monday, May 26, 2014

Tiny Dancer

I'm super proud of my niece.  She spends hours upon hours a week practicing her many dance routines.  She also keeps up her grades, is an avid reader, and is just all around amazing.

Memorial Day

Thank you to all those who have been, currently are, and will be serving to protect our amazing coutnry, our rights, and freedoms. I will not begin to list those in my own family who have taken this role b/c I know I will forget someone, but I am grateful to them.

Today, my adorable nephew volunteered to be part of the Color Guard for a VFW Memorial Day Ceremony.  I am so proud of him!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Sunday Morning!

I was awakened and up earlier than I wanted this fine Sunday morning, but that's OK.  I would much rather get an early start than a late.  After catching up on email, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter (all of which took me to intersting articles, stories, and information), I settled down on my loveseat with my Metagenics Chocolate shake, staring out the back screen door, listening and watching--a cool breeze coming in, an afghan on my lap (made by Granny for my brother).  Just a near perfect time.  Different birds and insects singing, chirping, buzzing, humming, and clicking all around, a winchcime, a cotton tail nibbling by a new tree, a Robin running to and fro, flowers and tree limbs swaying in the breeze. Just calm and peaceful.

In all honesty, in the past when I have had time to sit and enjoy like this, it tends to be the "calm before the storm."  I pray that isn't so this time.  

Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!  Enjoy the time you have, and may you find a few moments of calm and peace.

Thank you, soldiers and families of soliders, for all you have done for our great nation.

My sweet nephew putting flags on graves at Fort Sam Houston.

Monday, May 12, 2014

International Reading Association Conference in NOLA - Day 4

This morning, we got up early to hear P. David Pearson and Sharon Robinson, author and daughter of Jackie Robinson.

We went to a session on books for boys and got to hear Louise Borden, Tim Federle, and Barb Rosenstock.

More authors and illustrators:

We had our Poster Session from 11:00-12:00, and it went well.

We finished our day in NOLA by going to the St. Louise #1 cemetery and 9th Ward.

After a drive home and in some torrential rains for the last 2-3 hours, I was happy to be home and in my bed.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

International Reading Association Conference in NOLA - Day 3

We got up before the crack of dawn again this morning to hear Dav Pilkey, author of Captain Underpants and other books.

We went to more great sessions all morning, and then we led our workshop from 3:00-5:00.  We had around 80 participants.

We grabbed Subway to eat in the hotel before we went out for our evening of fun -- Haunted Walking Tour with Witches Brew Tours.   It was a great tour, and we are so glad we did it.

Before we started on the tour.
Tour Guide
Halfway through the tour.

End of the tour

On or way back, we stopped at Harrah's and then tried to have dessert at Root, but it was closed.  We settled for ice cream cookie sandwiches from the hotel shop.

 Fun pictures from our morning:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

International Reading Conference in NOLA - Day 2

We got up before the crack of dawn to have breakfast and get in line to see/hear Jeff Kinney, creator of Poptropica and author of the Wimpy Kid series.

Waiting in line.

Jeff Kinney

We spent all day going to sessions and learning so much, and we even skipped lunch!  By the time 5:00 rolled around, we were starving.  We tried an Italian restaurant between the Convention Center and our hotel, and it was good.  (I don't remember what it was called.)  We went back to the hotel to plan out our presentation for tomorrow.

After planning out everything, we decided to head out to the Nerdy Book Club gathering at a hotel a street over.  We had the privilege to meet Donalyn Miller, author of The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild, and spent some time engrossed in education talk.

Heading out to have some fun!

The Triad with Donalyn Miller

We stayed up far too late for when we have to get up tomorrow.

Friday, May 9, 2014

International Reading Association Conference and NOLA - Day 1

My BFF and I loaded up my little car and took off for NOLA at 5:00 this morning.  While we had some rain north of Baton Rouge, we had a really good trip.  We arrived at our hotel in the warehouse District just after 1:00 and met up with our other BFF.

We immediately got ready and went to the Convention Center to check-in and get our programs and bags.

After asking directions, we got on a shuttle to take us to a trolley stop so we could go to the French Quarter.

Our first trolley ride!

First stop, benigns at Cafe du Monde. (That is a lot of powdered sugar!)

Walking through Jackson Square.

We walked over to Bourbon street just to say we saw it.  We found the Carousel Bar, which was really neat.  Since we hadn't eaten since breakfast, we were starving by this point, so we rode the trolly back near our hotel and went to Butcher for dinner, where our waiter showed us his tattoo.  He will have a book published later this year or early next year.

We waited out a torrential downpour at the restaurant before getting back to the hotel and planning for tomorrow.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

NOLA--We Are Delayed

My BFF and I were supposed to fly to NOLA tonight at 5:35 this evening to meet our other BFF.  We got a message around 2:30 that our flight had been cancelled (due to major rain storms moving through).  We went on to the airport, stood in line for 4 HOURS, and were told that there was no way we were getting a flight out.  The earliest they could fly us would be Saturday.  No, this is not good enough!  The first time it rains in months and it completely interferes with our trip.

Extremely upset, we drove back home and have decided to drive and leave at 5 in the morning.  Wish us luck!

NOLA--Here We Come

Today is the day we leave for the International Reading Association (IRA) Conference in New Orleans!  Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Health News with Changes to Come

About three weeks ago I went and did blood work.  I love doing this with my Dr's office b/c the results are so detailed and really explain what is going on within my body.  Today, I went to find out the results.  Because I have been working out and changed how I've been eating to add more fruits, vegetables, fish, and chicken, and less carbs, sweets, and processed foods, I just knew I would have good results.  I even did the Dr. Oz cleanse.  No.  I was floored and highly upset by what I learned.  I controlled my tears and emotions until after I left, thank goodness, but I was so upset.  We went through the paperwork one page at a time, and I listened intently.  Here is what I learned:

I have been working so hard, but have little to show for it.  This is b/c my hormones and glands are working against me.  With a supplement for Folic Acid and B12, supplement to help with hormones, and a prescription to help my Thyroid, I truly hope to have much better results in 2-3 months.  I sure hope these do the trick and I can actually have more successful weight loss.

Despite this, I have officially lost 60 pounds as of today.  It has taken me 4 years, so maybe I can lose more and faster if the supplements and prescriptions work.

I go back 8 weeks from the time I start the meds to see what my hormones are doing.

The other thing that was written in my paperwork was "No Gluten!"  I have already moved from white bread/flour/carbs/pasta to whole wheat.  Now, I have to cut all that out.  I will have to read all labels and skip anything with wheat, barley, and rye in it.

If you have any gluten free suggestions, I am all ears.