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Saturday, July 2, 2016

When People Change . . . When It Is You

I saw this on Facebook this morning, and it has stuck with me all day.

The thing that has been on my mind is how much it hurts when it is you who has changed. Due to so much that has happened in the last year, I have changed. I do not like who I have become. I want to be the old me or a better version of the old me. Instead, I'm worse. This might be due to grief or autoimmune disease or both.

Last night, I saw that Joel Olsteen Ministries posted this on Facebook.
"God is not as concerned about our comfort as He is our purpose. We don’t always understand why things happen to us, but here’s the key: sometimes God will let us be uncomfortable now so He can bless us later on, so He can take us to a new level of our destiny."

I do not understand why everything has happened. I hate what it has done to me, how it has changed me. I always thought I would handle grief better, but it is like I haven't had control of my own actions and thoughts, no matter how hard I have tried.

God has not had me go through all that I have for me to fall a part or be a bad example/model. I just keep holding onto faith and prayer that things will get better. I just have to be patient and have faith.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Things I've Learned or Remembered in the Last Year

I love my yard right after it is mowed. Doesn't matter if I did it, a friend, or the brother of a friend. It is clean, and short, and nice.

I renewed my love of old westerns with the INSP channel. I have always loved Rifleman, Bonanza, and Big Valley, but now I love The Virginian. There were some good looking cowboy actors. They fall into the same category of good looking as George W. Bush. :-)

No matter the depth of your grief or loss, grass keeps growing, bodies still need nourishment, dishes and laundry still need to be washed, dust still needs to be controlled, groceries still have to be bought, bills still need to be paid, and life around you still goes on.

Losing someone impacts everyone differently. For some, it completely changes morning, afternoon, and evening routines.

A year that involves grief, loss, and diagnosis of Celiac, Hashimoto's, and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome truly is life changing, especially when your body is crashing (a post for another day).

Chiggers and mosquitoes still love me, and I still strongly dislike them. They make enjoying spring, summer, and fall quite difficult.

When you have staples in your head, it is not the best idea to mow, move broken branches, or place yourself in the middle of a fight between two middle schoolers in the cafeteria at lunch.

God places people in your path to prepare you for the changes and experiences He has for you. He began making these arrangements many years ago, and I am so grateful. I have absolutely amazing family, friends, and co-workers.

It is possible to live through a year in deep brain fog. Yes, that is such a thing; some due to grief and loss, other due to autoimmune disease. Again, a post for another day.

When someone offers to prepare a meal for you or take you to eat, say, "Yes." You'll be hungry later and won't want to get up to cook or even reheat food.

While it is hard to lean on others, do it. God placed them before you b/c He knows what you need.

When someone tells you to rest, take it easy, or delegate, do it. It may hurt to let go or step back, but it is for the best. 

Relationships change.

I probably should have taken more time off this last year.

God doesn't give us more than we can handle. He pushes us, and at times, he forces change to make us change. Sometimes that is hard to accept. They say things like this happen because better things are to come. I pray they are.

Each of us carries a light within. Sometimes, that light is so dim, flickering, and unbelievably close to going out. Keep the faith. That little light will shine brightly again one day. "This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine."

I am not the same person I was over a year ago. I don't know that I'll ever be the old me. Our experiences shape who we become. At this point, I don't like who I am. My goal in the next year is to find bits and pieces of the old me and create a new me. With God's help, I pray I become a better person.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

One Year Ago, Saying Good-bye

One year ago, at 12:58 pm, Mom crossed over into Heaven, meeting God and reuniting with so many loved ones. Those minutes leading up to her last breath were the absolute hardest thing I've ever endured and completely change a person.

During those last hours on that final morning, we met with the hospital social worker to start discussing hospice. Through everything discussed with doctors and nurses, I thought we still at least had days or even weeks. Mom and God had other ideas. We chose a Hospice, and the representative was to arrive within the hour. A prayer warrior from Friendship Baptist Church in Mesquite (an outreach church grown from the one in Pleasant Grove where Mom and Dad were married and we have so many family ties) came and prayed over her with us. I will forever be grateful. It wasn't an hour later, and Mom went to Heaven.

Mom didn't like a fuss or to change everyone's plans. She knew what she was doing, no matter how hard it hurt (and still does). A dance recital, birthday, summer camps, and work were all on the schedule, and she hated messing with everyone's schedule. 

During her last days, she received 12 bags of platelets and 3 bags of blood. Over the last 10 years, she had multiple transfusions. If ever you can, be a blood and platelet donor. 

Thank you to everyone who has prayed with and for us over this last year. We greatly appreciate you and your care & support. Keep those prayers going. Grief has no time limit.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

One Year Ago, The Day Before The End

One year ago today, my brother and I listened as the doctor spoke with compassion and honesty. Despite the news, I had no idea the next day would bring the result it did. Certainly not that soon.
I am so grateful Mom talked to my niece and nephew that afternoon/evening. She was doing well. She had a hard time talking as her mouth was so dry/like cotton, but she knew exactly what was going on around her and in all our lives at that moment. She asked them about their daily and upcoming activities. She got to hear their sweet voices and knew how much they loved her, and they got the same. Oh, how she loved her grandbabies.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

One Year Ago Today . . . My Life Began to Change

One year ago today, I spent the morning boxing up my office to prepare it for summer, wrapping up 18 years in public education. I grabbed a drink on the way to my summer school meeting, attended the meeting, and dropped off a big box of books & supplies I planned to use the next two weeks. I then went home to check-on Mom. She hadn't been feeling well after starting her fight against cancer again. She wasn't worried about how she was feeling, but when I got home, I overroad her wants and took her to Presbyterian Rockwall. She still insisted she was fine and didn't need a fuss. While we waited in the ER, we joked around & challenged each other to see who could read the smallest letters/row on the eye chart. Neither of us was too worried. She had handled so much in years past, so this was just one more experience. The Drs ran test and finally decided they needed to send her to Presbyterian Dallas b/c it is larger and has more resources. B/c it was evening rush hour, they decided to send her via CareFlight. 

Once I arrived in Dallas, I began working on finding a sub for my summer school class. Thanks a ton, Denel Comley, for agreeing to sub for two days before your vacation. 

Once I got to see Mom and they got her settled in ICU, she still insisted she was fine. We joked about how unfair it was she got to ride in a helicopter. We have had a lot of shared experiences, but this was one she had without me.

She was doing fine. She was tired, but she had her wits about her, knew what was going on, and was getting the medical help she needed.

The following morning, she wanted to know why I wasn't teaching summer school. She hated when people changed their plans for her. She wasn't too happy when I told her I chose to be by her side rather than summer school. 

Even though we had no answers and had no idea the outcome was going to be what it was, later in the day, without her knowing, I worked out a plan with the two ladies on the summer school sub list to cover the rest of my summer school duties. I'm so grateful they could step in and work it out. I appreciate our summer school administrator, Lisa Perry's, understanding and flexibility.

The next few days moved quickly, yet slowly. I still did not believe they would end as they did. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Last Day of 2015-2016

Today was the last day of the 2015-2016 school year.  Our students were out on Friday, but we had to finish today.

Funny how much you can get done when you are home.  Once I left school, I managed to cook a healthy lunch, take an hour nap, start/finish a load of laundry, put on chicken for the next few days, do a 15 minute walk, and upload pics and documents to clear up my desktop.  If I accomplished that much in an afternoon/evening, I wonder what I will accomplish in the coming days. :-)

Happy summer, everyone!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2nd Day of January 2016

Happy Saturday to each of you! How are you spending the first Saturday of the new year?

I got up early to let a co-worker in the building, which meant I got to unload some items I have been meaning to take to work all semester. I then dropped off a box of items at Goodwill. My clothes are all ready for the week, and I'm still downloading pictures from my mini iPad to the computer.

I need to get my sew machines working so the girls can sew scarves next Saturday. If I were ready to make decisions about various items around the house, I could get together more to donate, but I'm not ready for that yet.  I could work on the quilts I started with Mom's clothes.

What do you do to pass the time?  I don't do well sitting and doing nothing.  I could read, but I don't have a book that is jumping off the shelf to be read.

Whatever you choose to do today, enjoy it!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

Do you have traditions you follow today?

We traditionally we have black-eyed peas, cabbage, cornbread, and ham. Even though I am starting 2016 alone, I have soaked my beans and have now started cooking them, and I've started my cornbread.

As the food cooks, I am sitting here watching the birds on the back patio enjoy birdseed. It makes me so happy to see the male and female Cardinal each day.

Do you have plans for the new year? Resolutions? I'm not a resolution girl, and at this point, I am just taking each day one day at a time, so we will see what the year brings.

The Literacy Triad is planning to attend two conferences here in the state, and we are presenting numerous times at one of them. Those will be my little mini vacations and time to rejuvenate.

I enjoy my work, and it will keep me busy in the coming weeks and most of the semester.

I'm on a new committee at church, so I'm looking forward to seeing where that will lead.

I'm sure I will be going to see my nephew wrestle and play soccer, and it will soon be dance competition season.

Whatever this year holds and you choose to do, I wish you a very Happy New Year, everyone!