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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tanked--Acrylic Tank Manufacturing

My niece and nephew love to watch Tanked, which is an Animal Planet show that follows the owners of Acrylic Tank Manufacturing, ATM. We added ATM to our list of must-see places while in Las Vegas, and I am glad we did. 

Once we entered the area that leads to the store, we looked through one windowed door to see Wayde and then Brett.  They were taping a show.  They even waved at us between takes and allowed us to take pictures through the window.

Wayde is standing up in the middle of the picure are the far end of the table.

We saw this tank as we walked down the hallway.

Once we made our way into the store, we met the shop managers. The gentleman was so friendly, gave us special permission to see a secret tank of fish.  He asked us if we knew what kind of fish they were, and my niece knew immediately--Piranhas.  He was quite impressed with her.  We also learned that his daughter is from Oklahoma, so he and my sister-in-law talked about Oklahoma for a minute.  We had a pretty neat bond with this man.  He told us he would try to get autographs between takes, so we bought my nephew a t-shirt, and the man got Wayde, Brett, the General, Agnes, and maybe someone else to sign it.  So cool! 

We were able to watch everyone work in the shop.  They had at least 3-4 tanks started.  Redneck spoke to us, and we watched him work for a bit.  Wayde, Brett, and the General couldn't get away, so Agnes came out to talk to the family and take pictures.

It was a great experience, and the kids loved it!

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