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Friday, March 20, 2015

March Girl Scout Meeting

I got the crazy idea to teach our girls how to use Buddy Burners.  I had hoped my cafeteria manager would have the cans I needed to do this, but they weren't ready, so today, we only made the burners.  Next month, we will actually cook.

Buddy Burners are great for Scouts and families to use when at camp or in the backyard.

Tonight, we layered strips of cardboard with dryer lint.  A few layers of each is all you need.  You then roll it so it looks like a spiral and drop it into a tuna and cat food can.  Melt wax on your stove.  Pour it over the cardboard and lint.  Let it dry.

Next month, we will use these as the fire/heat source to cook.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring Break 2015

I can't believe we are already halfway through March and finishing up Spring Break.  Time is flying way too fast.  It has been a nice week.  Is our time off ever long enough?

Saturday, March 7th
I spent the morning with three Writing teachers working with a group of students on their writing skills.  I can't wait to read their final papers that they are to bring back after Spring Break.  It was truly a great morning of working with students and perfecting writing. I even took some time to write a draft using their prompt and their strategies.  Now, for me to finish my paper.

My mom got home with my niece and nephew.  I'm so excited to spend some time with them in our neck of the woods.

Sunday, March 8th--Girl Scout Sunday
Check out this Cadette Girl Scout who got to join me at church this morning.

With the kids home, they get to pick what we do and where we eat.  I give them the planning power.  Since they were infants, we have made them a part of our daily planning and events.  Now, as a teen and preteen, they know how to plan a day.

Monday, March 9th
Today, we got tickets to the Perot Museum.  We had to figure out which day still had tickets available, so it went into the plans for today.  They have a traveling exhibit on Sir Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes, so we checked it out.  It was very interesting, and we enjoyed solving the crime.

My nephew has read The Outsiders for school, so I introduced him to the movie.  You know the one.  The one with all the cute guys from the 80s.  :-) My niece said she didn't want to see it until she read it.  Of course, my copies of the book are at work, so it will be a little longer before she reads it.  We didn't actually see the end of the movie b/c he wanted to keep the book's ending in his mind rather than the movie's.  I loved discussing the book and movie with them.

Tuesday, March 10th
Today, they wanted to go to the Dallas Zoo.  When deciding on the zoo to attend, my adorable niece wanted to go to the zoo with the most animals.  Well, I compared the Ft. Worth and Dallas Zoos.  I'm not sure about the number of animals, but the Dallas Zoo is older and larger by acreage.

We have gotten their picture taken on this tortoise every time we have gone to the zoo.  
I wish I could find the first one to do a comparison.

Wednesday, March 11th
Because my nephew had so much homework to complete over Spring Break, he requested to go back by tonight.  We asked all the way back if they wanted to visit anywhere--Cameron Zoo (Waco), Dr. Pepper Museum, anything in Austin, etc.  They just wanted McDonald's for lunch and to spend time together.  When we got them back, we had dinner and then had them finish all their homework.  With it done, we can do something fun on Thursday.

Thursday, March 12th--Girl Scout's 103rd Birthday
Before Mom and I left to head home, we wanted to do one last fun thing, so we went to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch.  I have never seen so many people there.

When we finished, we went to have a burger/hot dog and fries and finished with custard to celebrate Girl Scout Birthday.

Friday, March 13th
Mom has a serious cold, so she has rested.  After going to Curves, my 200th visit (Woohoo!!), I did chores around the house.

Saturday, March 14th--Pi Day
Happy Pi Day!  Will you be eating pie today? What were you doing on 3.1415 at 9:26?  I was walking into Curves for my 201st workout.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Unexpected Snow Day (Just Before Spring Break)

Today brought the fourth most snow ever recorded for March in our little neck of the woods.  It brought an unexpected day off of work too.  I spent it working on tests for the grade level/curriculum I assist in writing.  It was all just so beautiful.  The pictures just don't do it justice.

Standing my street looking at my house

Kitty staying warm. 

The view out my back door from my writing spot.

I took a little break to go enjoy the snow.  
I even made a snow angel.  
The first one in probably 30 years!