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Monday, June 17, 2013

Characteristics of a Mobster

Today, my brother, nephew, and I visited the Mob Museum in Las Vegas while my niece attended her Dance Convention, where my mom and sister-in-law stayed with her.  I have always been fascinated with the Mob.  I even went as a mobster one year for Halloween.

One of the first rooms provided a wall with Characteristics and Habits portrayed by Mobsters--from neighborhoods where crime flourishes, as kids, getting older, and adult behavior.

While reading this wall, I couldn't help but make connections to the students where I work.  I work in a Title I school, and many of these characteristics and habits are the same for my students.

As a Kid
had trouble learning to read
had street smarts, not big on schooling
chronically truant
class bully
routine discipline problems
wild, impulsive, rough
tough talking
emotional, a charmer
born leader--born follower
always takes shortcuts
joined street gang
petty crimes
picked up for mopery

Getting Older
drop out
acts crazy or "bugsy"
con artist
muscle, thug
rolls drunks, extorts money
tough guy, multiple arrests
acts like a celebrity--looks like a nobody
tries working legitimate jobs--and fails
does jail time

Many of my students portray these characteristics and habits.  No, they aren't all in gangs or going to jail, but there are those students who are great leaders, but not in a positive manner.  There are many who are born to follow and are lead down the wrong road. Learning is difficult for many of them, and they don't like school.  Absences and tardies are a big problem, and in turn leads to more learning problems. The school is tough dealing with discipline, building relationships, and trying to help the students go down the right path.  Some of our students are in gangs, and if they aren't, many are very interested or joke about gangs.

When I saw this wall, it was just a huge reminder of my students, and if we lived in a different time, many might become part of the Mob. 

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