Welcome! Please share your ideas with us.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring and Big Decisions

Spring meetings and re-registration are coming to an end.  I can't believe the end of May is already here.

How have you celebrated the end of another Girl Scout year?

What was your end-of-the-year ceremony like?

What plans do you have for the summer?

Are you planning to return next year?  Plans already in the works?

We just held our last Service Unit Team and Leader meetings.  I made a difficult decision, but I have stepped down from my Service Unit Team.  There are various reasons, but overall, I will miss the work I have been doing.  I have enjoyed working with leaders as they begin/continue their journeys.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Overnight Fun

This past Friday night, I took 4 girls and a new Girl Scout volunteer on an overnight event at a Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary about an hour from our home.  It was a Service Unit event, but due to busy schedules, only around 30 girls (Kindergartners through 4 grade) and 15 adults took advantage of the fun.

I just cannot describe how much fun and perfect the event was for our girls.  The girls, one being new to the group, got along wonderfully.  They absolutely enjoyed themselves and all the experiences.  We loved the cool weather as we hiked around 3 miles total on Friday evening and Saturday morning. They got to experience nature, see a blackland prairie, wetland, raccoons, a bat, and so much more.

After such a great event, I can't wait to plan more fun for the summer.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Meeting with a Daisy Troop

Last night, our Brownie Troop met with a local Daisy Troop to meet their requirement for Bridging.  It was so much fun! 

After introducing ourselves and sharing how long we had each been in Girl Scouts, the Brownies shared various activities, projects, and service projects we have done over the past 3 years.  We answered questions for the Daisies before teaching them the Brownie Smile Song.  We worked on the Sounds of Music Try-It the majority of the evening.  We made instruments and discussed sound, vibrations, and sound waves.  I am sure their parents are really thanking me today.  Ha ha! Straws, plates, boxes, rubber bands, bottles, and more make great music.  We taught the girls Amen before enjoying pizza and cupcakes for dinner.  Before concluding the night, we taught the girls Bazooka Bubble Gum and Hi, My Name is Joe and I Work in a Button Factory.  The final activity of the night was singing Make New Friends and doing the Friendship Circle with the Friendship Squeeze.  Lots of fun was had by all! 

We wish our young friends good luck next year as Brownies, and we are here to help in any way.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Awards and Bridging Ceremonies

It is that time of year to start planning end-of-the-year Awards and Bridging Ceremonies.  What do you do? How will it look this year? 

Share your ideas with us.

Leader Appreciation

I had great intentions to post on Leader Appreciation Day, April 22nd, but it just didn't happen.  So . . . here I am now.

Thank you to all the leaders, service unit team members, and adult volunteers who give of their time, energy, and passion to guide and "build girls of courage, confidence, and character." You will have a lasting influence on the girls with which you work.

When I reflect on my early years as a Girl Scout, my leaders, their words, their ideas, their influence, have impacted who I have become. I greatly appreciate the fact that they gave their time to work with us.