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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Last Day of Summer Vacation

Summer is coming to an end, and educators are headed back to work.  Teachers, how are you spending the last day of your summer vacation?

Mine began by reading and answering emails, checking out Pinterest, and playing Words with Friends. I also began preparing our dinner menu for the week. I find that if we plan, then we tend to eat better and I have leftovers to enjoy for lunch.

I then sent my morning text to my niece & nephew and went to church.  The verses that stood out today were Luke 12: 48.
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
These verses have been used and quoted many times in many settings, but I looked at them in connection to teaching. Many of the teachers who are considered "good," are often called upon to do more and more. Teachers are entrusted with parents' most precious children, and they are expected to hold them safe, teach them, and so much more.  So much is asked of teachers, probably more than there should. This verse just reminded me that we are in a special position, and we cannot take it for granted. The future is in our hands, and we must step up and do what is demanded of us with those entrusted to us.

After lunch, I had to take a nap.  I haven't felt well for two days now, so a nap was well warranted. I couldn't keep my eyes open or focus.

Since waking, I have been working on my presentation for Wednesday's District Science Professional Development. I am responsible for reviewing and creating Science specific Objectives and Closing Questions as part of Framing the Lesson (created by Sean Cain). I have the basis of my presentation ready to go.  After making some copies tomorrow or Tuesday, I will have a better plan laid out.

I have planned and laid out every outfit for this week, right down to my socks and shoes.  :-) I like to be prepared and take the stress off of each night when I would normally plan my outfit for the next day.  We are not allowed to wear shorts this first week back filled with work days and campus meetings, so jeans and t-shirts it will be.  Well, I will be a little more professional than t-shirts.

We were entertained by a cottontail that came all the way up to the patio glass door a little bit ago.  It hung around on the patio for a bit before hopping away.  We have several cottontails living in our yard, which I love to watch, so we see them all over at various times of the day, but none have come up to the door before.

After I finish working on Wednesday's plan, I have to start thinking about weekly 20 minute History lessons and weekly 20 minute Writing lessons--for 7th and 8th grades. My goal is to have several weeks prepared before this week ends.

No matter how prepared I am, I can't sleep the night before the teachers go back or the night before the kids start.

Teachers, enjoy your evening, and have a great week!

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