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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Moving Day

Today was moving day.  Not my moving day.  Moving furniture out of Granny's house to empty it in preparation for the painters.  It was a little emotional standing in each room for the last time with her furniture (or what was left that we had not moved ourselves). 14 pieces of furniture and 6 items from the garage.  Once the movers were done wrapping, padding, and loading it, we headed to our house.  Some of the furniture was put inside our house for our use.  Other items were placed in the shed until we can find a new owner.  The tools were placed in the garage/carport until we find a new owner or need to use them. We don't really have room for all these things, but I just can't part with them.  We will have a dining room table again, we will have a place to store her china, we will have all her sewing equipment for me to make amazing projects (if I actually sit down and make the time), we will have her swivel rocking chair to enjoy (we love sitting in that chair), and so many more pieces. Now . . . to get our house in order.  Wonder how long that will take us.

Have you had to clean out a loved one's home?  What did you do with all the furniture and personal items?
What family pieces hold the most memories for you?

I'm so grateful my BFF shares her husband with us.  That did not sound right.  :-)  Her husband is a great handyman.  He can fix and build a lot of things.  Today, he came over to replace 3 light fixtures, unlock a lock, help us undo a lightbulb and found a live wire that should't be there, and fix the front door. I'm so grateful for him giving his time when we need him.

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