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Monday, December 30, 2013


Have you seen this blog post?

She blogged her top 5 quirks back in 2011, and she has some hilarious comments.  Someone started sharing it again via Facebook.

Her post made me think about my ideas to her quirks as well as my own.

1. I found it interesting she was more interested in sleep and body temp than danger.  A child's sleep is important to me too.  I think all children need 8-10 hours of sleep each night.  I know things happen to make that possibly not happen, but it is a goal. I hadn't really thought about body temp.  Well, I don't want kids to overheat or not be warm enough, but I certainly don't panic about it like this blogger.  I am fine with children taking risks, but I don't want them to put their lives on the line or anything.

2.  Music choices are very much representative of my mood.  On Criminal Minds, I heard something about the music that makes the biggest impact on you is that which you listened to when you were 14.  Well, I listened to a lot of things at that age.  My dad was a record collector.  He would spend Friday nights at Collectors Records searching for all kinds of things from the 1920s to the present.  Well, not really the present.  More like the 1970s.  He had R&B, Rockabilly, Classic Country, and more.  He was not into Opera, Rap, or the Beatles.  (I wasn't allowed to listen to the Beatles until I bought a tape my Senior year of high school when our marching band show was Beatles' music.)  Now, I love all kinds of music.  Not Rap so much, but I love all kinds of music.  The music I listen to on my way home is very dependent on how my day went.

No matter what the song or station is, I cannot listen to it as I fall asleep.  I sing and sing and there is no going to sleep at all.  When a song comes on the radio, 9 times out of 10, I can sing the song even if I've never heard it before.  Not sure why that is, but it is.
Also, when I am very focused on work, I like to have my ear phones on listening to music. 

3.  My ears are sensitive to noise levels.  There are moments that my classroom or house can be full of sound and chaos.  The next minute, my ears go crazy, and I need all noise to stop, which is kind of weird since I hate a silent classroom.  There are times that I need to just sit in the quiet. I can't stand the radio or television being too loud either.

4.  I love to laugh, but I don't find most things funny that others do. I don't like gross humor or dirty jokes, and I cannot stand pranks or hazing.  Once, my friends toilet papered a house, but I didn't go b/c I absolutely hate cleaning up toilet paper in the yard.  Once, I was a chaperone at a birthday party where all the children were divided into groups to carry out different tasks.  My group toilet papered a house, we took pics, and then I had them clean it all up before we left.  I do not like teasing or people being mean to others either.

5. I am pretty OK with "good-byes" (except with my niece and nephew), but I am not OK with public acknowledgement, public "thank yous," or with opening gifts in front of others.  I greatly appreciate being appreciated and I do need to hear it, but I get unbelievably embarrassed.  When someone gives me a gift, I would much rather open the gift later when I'm alone and send a "thank you" card.  When someone does acknowledge me or gives me something, I tend to say "thank you" a ton of times. 

6.  I cannot stand wet bathroom floors and bath mats.  I just can't stand it.  Wet bathroom floors and bath mats truly gross me out.

7. I expect there to be at least one pitcher of tea in my refrigerator at all times.  When I come home from work or a trip, I don't want to have make a pitcher.  I want to be able to pour me a glass and relax.

8. When I get to work, I like to have a few minutes to get acclimated to my classroom or office before being bombarded with questions and needs.  It just helps me prepare for the day.  I like the time to think in the quiet and prepare.

I'm sure there are others, but that is all I have at the moment.

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