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Friday, December 6, 2013

Ice Day and Christmas Light Stroll

Today, we received an unexpected Ice Day, so no work or school for much of the northern part of the state.  Normally, I would either lay around, clean, do school work, or read.  I would not get out b/c I would heed the warnings and stay inside.  Not today!  Mom and I braved the ice and cold, defrosted the truck windows, which took nearly 30 minutes, and headed south.  (I'm still not sure why we never put the truck in the carport to protect the windows.  Oh, well!) The roads were slushy, wet, and somewhat icy near home, but once we got about an hour from home, things starting clearing up.  Once we were 2 hours away, things were significantly better.  Now that we have arrived to our destination, the wind is gusty and freezing, but the roads are dry.  Can't wait to have a fun weekend with my niece and nephew!

While the ice is so bad for the trees, they sure were pretty covered in ice.  These are pics I took as we drove.

After dinner, my niece, nephew, and I spent a short time walking along the Colorado River lookng at Christmas lights and scenes.


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