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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Purging and Organizing

Today, we tackled the stuff in the play room.  I took everything out of the closet & looked through it, and while I put some things back inside, I created two big containers for stuff to donate to my school's Science Dept. I have a big stack of stuff to let my sister-in-law look through and a few bags for donating.  The camping bedding found a home in the closet, and we were able to put away things we have already brought over from Granny's.  We did all we could do until we bring the bookshelves over from Granny's.  In order to do that, we have to unload them, and that will take some time. Not sure if we will start that tonight or tomorrow or after the 1st.  I guess I'll find out.  Once the shelves are in and the items from Granny's are relocated here, then we can finish arranging the furniture and choosing pictures to hang.

I love the idea of purging and organizing.  I run into problems when I am cleaning out and can't give up something. I go back and forth between--"It hasn't been used in a year." to "If it is tucked away in the closet, is it really needed?" to "I can't give this up b/c it belonged to Granny." or "I can't give this up b/c I want my niece/nephew/unborn children to have it."  If I would just stick with "It hasn't been used in a year, get rid of it," I would probably get more done and have more space.

Again, I am too old for all the lifting and moving.  I think my left hip is now out of socket.  Gosh, it really hurts to put weight on, stand, turn, bend, and more.  If I work through my aches and pains, we can get more done.

I need to tackle another room in my house, but I think it is going to have to wait.

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