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Thursday, January 31, 2019

What I Never Expected to Learn in GS

28 Skills You Never Expected to Learn at Girl Scouts blog post from Girl Scouts

I just read and enjoyed this blog post.  Like I have said before, Girl Scouts runs in my blood.  I joined as a Brownie in Kindergarten (Daisy was not a level at that time), and I stayed in all the way through Senior Year, earning my Gold Award.

I cannot even remember everything I have done, let alone learned.  Girl Scouts has truly made me who I am--along with my parents, grandparents, family, teachers, education, and friends.

I remember the Junior badge for Car Care.  My dad had me in the driveway changing the oil and tires on the car. I learned a lot about cars, their care, and got some idea of what to ask or say if I needed to take a car into the shop.

We camped all the time, so I have learned to create a packing list and how to follow it. I know how to prepare recipes, shopping lists, and meals. I know which rice to buy and which one not to get. (We always laugh about that!) I know what to do if the plumbing is bad and how to find firewood, create a fire circle, set-up/start a fire, and how to safely put one out.

I have made lifelong friends.  Not only did I meet my BFF, Jill, in Girl Scouts, but I have a ton of other friends I can call on if needed. We could go to lunch, catch up, and it be like no time has passed.
Girl Scouts also gave me the opportunity to spend time with my mom. She was our leader for many years, and I treasure that time we had.

Through skills learned in Girl Scouts and by working along side my mom, I learned to pour concrete, dig holes, move a fence, build a pool deck, fix things that broke around the house, learned who to call when I couldn't, how to sew, and more.

We were put in so many positions to be leaders, make decisions, handle money, make/set plans, and more that lead to skills in today's jobs.  I cannot remember learning anything specific, but I know how to work with people, listen, voice my opinions and concerns, and problem solve.

Girl Scouts surrounded me with girls with good morals and ethics.  I was never tempted by drugs, alcohol, or anything else that would put me in harm's way. I kept great grades and set goals for myself. Those surrounding me supported me.

I have also had the opportunity to work with girls in 4 different troops since I was in high school. Giving back and helping them to have some of the same experiences I have has been so rewarding.

If you have influence over a young lady in your life, register her for Girl Scouts, find her an amazing troop (or lead it yourself), and help her stay in through high school. You won't regret it!

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