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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Eating Healthy and Gallstones

At work, we have been doing the It's Time Texas Community Challenge.  I have been making sure I am eating healthy meals 3 times a day along with a healthy mid-morning snack (since I don't eat until late). I work in a workout or something when I can (mostly when I do lunch duty and walk around the cafeteria or when I am actively monitoring testing and walk all over the room).  Funny that I am trying so hard to watch everything during January and this is the time my gallstones start moving around causing me great pain and agony.

Since I was diagnosed with gallstones in 2010, I have maybe had 2-3 days of pain.  Well, they decided to start moving and keep moving for a week. In a 5 day period, I saw the doctor twice, had 12 vials of blood drawn, a urine sample, an ultrasound, a sonogram, a chest x-ray, two EKGs, a CT Scan, and an ER visit.

All led to us learning my Thyroid meds need to be changed (even though I don't feel any different since changing them last time--I have felt pretty good in that regard) and that I might have Gastritis and Cholelithiasis.

Thank goodness they are sitting still most of the time now and the pain has gone away for the most part.  So much for trying to be healthy!  Now, I have to stay away from fried foods (Hello! I have Celiac!  There are no fried foods!) and lower my fat intake/eat low fat.  Fine. I'll give it a try, and I have been doing pretty well.

Actually, I am still just watching what I am eating and making the best choices I can.

Anyone else have gallstones and have some advice?

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