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Monday, March 3, 2014

Unexpected Day Off

With the crazy freezing temps and weather yesterday and overnight, most school districts closed today. It is funny to see pics of homes across town with yards covered in white when we have very little of anything here.  My road is clear, but the highway, which is about a mile away, was horrible this morning and overnight.  It was in the mid to low teens with wind chills from -6 to 2 degrees this morning.

After a 32 minute workout this morning, I got busy reorganizing the back bedroom, recycling a lot of unneeded documents on a bookshelf in the front room/office/library, and clearing out some things in 2 two drawer filing cabinets.  Now, I want to scan some things in the filing cabinets so I can recycle those documents. I cleaned out a lot of Girl Scout documents and forms we don't need any more too.

We are waiting on the plumber.  Last night, disgusting, smelly gunk backed up in the kitchen sink, front bathroom sinks, and washing machine.  We also had a river of water leaving the back of the washing machine and flowing through the laundry room and kitchen.  The plumber called us this morning, but he said no one is working today due to the weather.  However, he said he would see about possibly getting someone out here this afternoon.  Haven't seen or heard from anyone, but we are hoping.

I hate wasting a day off, so I am glad we got things done, but I wish we could do more.  The back room isn't how I want it, but it is better.  I wish we could move some more stuff from Granny's over, but it is so cold, and I don't have anyone to help me except Mom.

We'll see what else I can find to do in just a bit.

How do you spend an unexpected day off when it is very cold?

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