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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spring Break--Weekend #2

I can't believe today is the last day of Spring Break and everything goes back to normal tomorrow (with a very busy, not-so-normal day).  I could use a little more time off.  Isn't that what everyone always says?

Many non-educators gripe and complain because educators and students get a week off.  I read a blog (wish I could find the link) explaining how this is a week to rejuvenate to get ready to give more of ourselves to our students and jobs.  Teachers who got into the profession for the right reasons (not just for the time off and tiny paychecks, ha ha!), they give every ounce of themselves all day everyday.  They eat, sleep, and breathe teaching, their students, problem-solving, worrying, planning, and so much more.  They don't take "mental health" days or time for themselves.  They start in August and work their rears off until June and then take classes and prepare/plan all summer.  There really is no time off.  Maybe a vacation thrown in there somewhere, but great teachers work all the time. (I could go on and on about this.  Maybe another post one day.)

This week, while doing all I have done, I have still stressed about work, but I have been too tired to truly think and do the work needed.  We have a huge event scheduled for March 28th, and I have a ton of planning and preparation to do. 75% of it needs to be ready to go by Friday, so that means long days this week.  I have tons to do during normal school hours, so this planning will probably take place outside of the normal day.  Just thinking about it stresses me out.  Oh, well!  It will be great for the students. Today, my last day of Spring Break, will be spent thinking through the event, making a plan to get started, thinking of what resources I need, and more.  My work never ends b/c the education of children never ends.

Yesterday, Mom and I traveled to see my nephew graduate from Young Marines Boot Camp.  I am so proud of him.  He endured everything they threw at him, and he even said it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be.  He worked hard, lost 10 lbs, and came home exhausted.

 At the end of the graduation ceremony, all the children ran over to their families.  It was so emotional.

After we finally got back to their place, he showered, got on the love seat, and was out.  He was exhausted.

How did I do with a crazy day and watching what I ate?  Not good.  Not good at all.  I am afraid to put everything into myfitnesspal.  I tried making good choices at lunch and dinner, but going to fast food places (through the drive-thrus) and eating at 10:00 at night makes it even harder.  We went to a huge grocery store in the middle of the afternoon, and they were giving samples of all kinds of things.  I can't think of the last time I walked and sampled, but I did yesterday.  There was some good stuff too.
fried rice, peanut butter cup ice cream, turkey and cranberry salad on tomato and rosemary (?) bread, almond cookie, cauliflower something or other, couscous or quinoa, and another type of sandwich (Italian meat of some sort, I think)

My niece baked red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for my nephew's homecoming.  Yes, I had one, and they were delicious! (I wish I had taken a picture.)

Today, I will need to plan out my week of healthy meals.  My BFF started Dr. Oz's 2 Week Rapid Weight Loss plan yesterday.  I could do it the next few weeks, but I think I will hold off until April.  I will make good choices and plan out my weeks, but I need a little time off, I think.  I have got to focus more on my walking/jogging b/c we are doing a Color Run on April 12th.

Enjoy our Sunday!  I'm off to get ready for church.

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