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Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Break--Weekend #1

Spring Break began on 3:25 on Friday.  Woohoo!

Mom and I left my work and headed south to see my niece and nephew.  We arrived, despite horrible traffic and adding 30 minutes to an hour to our time, to go enjoy a delicious dinner.  I actually ordered a salad.  For people who know me, they know what a big deal that is.  I don't eat salads out much, but I chose a yummy one.  It was probably high in calories, but I had them to spare today.

On Saturday morning, my niece and sister-in-law got up early to go watch her friends during the morning dance competition.  A dance friend's brother came to hangout with my nephew.  Mom, my nephew, his friend, and I went to breakfast, bought some homemade tamales to bring home to my cousin, and went back to their place to wait for my brother.  We got a call that we were needed at the dance competition, so we got ready quickly and left.  (My brother is a Stage Dad, so they needed his help.)

We arrived at the dance competition by 11:20 and were there until 8:30.  My niece was in 5 dances, one was her solo.  She was in group Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, and Acro dances.  Her Jazz got 1st Overall in Jr. Large Groups and her Tap got 2nd Overall in Jr. Large Groups.  Her Acro group got the coveted Most Entertaining Award and an invite to Las Vegas this summer.  Overall, they did well for the first competition of the season.

We were starving when we finally left, so we went to dinner.  Again, I made good choices.  We got back to their place and pretty much passed out.  We were tired.

Sunday morning came early.  Besides the time change, my nephew had to be at his Young Marines Boot Camp by 7:45.  He decided he wanted to join this group/organization to see if the Military is what he might want to do when he is older.  He had already had a day of drills and to get to know people.  This week puts the kids through a real boot camp simulation.  They will be treated just like the Military personnel.  I am so worried about him.  He doesn't have a lot of upper body strength, and he (and I) does/do not like to be yelled at.  The Military guys yell at them even if they do something right.  I can't stand that yelling and meanness.  We have been able to see some pics via Facebook daily.  I am sure he is worn out, but he seems OK in the pics. I had a very hard time leaving him.  I was teary, but I didn't show him.

We ended the day with my niece's dance pics.  They were to be the weekend before, but the dance owner's grandmother passed away, so things were changed.  We were at the dance studio from 3:00-7:00 for pics.  When we finally finished, we went to eat.  I made bad choices. Again, I was teary leaving my niece.

Mom and I then headed home and got home at 1:00 AM.  Man, I miss those two, but I am so glad we had a great weekend.

My adorably handsome, intelligent nephew before Booth Camp.

My adorably beautiful, intelligent niece at her dance pics.

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