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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Crazy Work Week and Difficult Day

Last week was so busy, over scheduled, and had me off campus 3 days.  This week, I was on campus more, but it was a busy, busy week.

I have been far less stressed this year than I have been in the past, which is nice.  But . . . the most stressful thing happens first thing every morning.  Checking with the secretary to see which classes don't have a sub and then creating a plan for those students/classes.  Most teachers/faculty do not realize what we do and what all is involved.  The most difficult days are when we have 3-4 classes not covered.  We use all the subs as much as possible, which I am sure makes them unhappy and exhausted b/c they don't get a conference period. Because our class numbers are much smaller this year, we have been splitting classes across content areas as much as possible.  Putting students in classrooms with certified teachers who know the content is better than pulling random people or putting subs in rooms.  This really upsets teachers at times, but we are trying to do what is best with students in the time we have to decide it.

Today was a difficult day.  After our meeting with Central Office personnel yesterday, I was to create a plan for one of our content areas.  I did that. It was a great schedule using teacher strengths and doing what is best for students.  They were asked to consider it, we would talk more next week, and we would implement it Feb. 18th. Instead of the teachers bringing their concerns to me, they became very upset, went to an administrator, and we had to change the plan.  I hope, at some point, they try my plan.  It would be so great for students.

The kids handled the snowy day really well and were excited at dismissal to get out and play.

Here is a picture of what Carly (aka Kitty) did all day as it snowed.  She sat and watched it through the front door.  She also spied a bird or two. (More about the snow on tomorrow's post.)

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