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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Anniversary of Healthy Choices

One year ago today, one of my dearest friends and I joined Curves.  It was the second time around for both of us, but we decided this was it.  We would go every day possible until school started, and then once school began, we would meet each other there as much as we could.

One year later, I have lost . . . 30 pounds and 4 sizes!  I am excited about what I have been able to do and how much energy I have now. 

I truly wish it were more, but I can't compare myself to others.  I know someone who has lost 100 pounds in a year and others have lost 50-60 in a year and someone who lost 50 in 6 months. No one has walked in my shoes, gone through what I have, and struggled with the same struggles. 

We began working out 5-6 times a week.  Then it dwindled to 3-4 times a week. Then there were weeks I made it in there once or possible not at all.  My work schedule/duties and family obligations made my schedule crazy, but I did what I could to get to Curves as much as I could.

I used to be a "pasta-a-day" girl.  If I had a frozen meal for lunch, it involved pasta.  If I got to choose the restaurant, it was probably Italian.  Now, I hardly ever eat pasta, and if I do, I eat wheat pasta.

I am a very picky eater, but I have managed to add a few new foods to my choices--asparagus, broccoli, and carrots.

We used to eat out b/c we had a lot of evening activities or no one wanted to cook.  Eating out makes me gain fairly quickly, so we limit our eating out.  Now, I make better choices about what I eat when we do go out.  I might get a sandwich or burger, but I don't eat the fries or chips.  If I can substitute the fries/chips for apples, I will.  I eat a lot of grilled chicken sandwiches now.  I might get a child's portion. When I go to restaurants, I make healthier choices and try to eat only half of the portion.  I will split portions with Mom too.

I drink water at restaurants, unsweetened tea (with an artificial sweetener) at home, and diet soda or unsweetened tea (with an artificial sweetener) at fast food places.  I don't have soda at home or work.

There tends to be a lot of candy, sweets, or snacks in teachers' lounges and around schools.  I cut out eating anything other than what I personally took for lunch or the cashews or almonds I had for snacks.

I have
-a protein shake for breakfast,
-try to fit in a snack of nuts mid-morning,
-lunch, which is smaller and healthier than I used to take,
-try to remember another healthy snack mid-afternoon, and then I have
-dinner, which we are trying to make healthier and include plenty of veggies.

I am still working on portion control with dinner and keeping my meals healthy.

I don't count calories, but I do try to watch my carbohydrate intake.

I've been struggling the last week and a half, so I hope to get it together and continue to lose.  It is hard work that takes dedication.

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