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Friday, July 12, 2013


Do you curse/cuss? Do you do it in private? Only around friends? Around family? In front of your children?

A few weeks ago, an acquaintance said she had gone to see a movie.  One of the characters in the movie cursed and cursed.  She said she didn't like the cursing, but the movie was hilarious.

This got me to thinking . . .

Do you mind if a movie is filled with cursing? Do you not watch specific movies or shows because of the cursing? Could you enjoy a movie if every other word was a curse word?

When I was in high school, if anyone around me cursed, I would say, "Not in my presence."  I didn't have to say it very often.  Everyone with whom I surrounded myself knew not to curse around me.  I greatly appreciate their respect for me.

Last year, I read an article where someone had found, through research, that people tend to curse more when they are stressed. I completely agree when it comes to me.  I can count the number of curse words I have said out loud in someone else's presence on one hand.  I don't like cursing, and I don't like people doing it in front of me, so I try to control what I say. Well, I need to start considering "crap" a curse word and stop using it.  I'm working on it.  :-)  That is my one go-to word.  Anyway, I have thought many curse words, and I think them when I am stressed.

I also believe cursing does not show class.  Someone can be dressed very nicely, doing an amazing job, but as soon as they start talking and cursing, I'm done.  I know that is terribly judgmental, but that is how I feel.

Our children today do not understand how inappropriate cursing is.  Partially because they hear it from their families and from movies, television, and video games. At school, I get onto students when I hear them curse.  I simply give them that "teacher look" or say, "Watch your mouth."  9 times out of 10, they have no idea that they cursed.  It has become second nature for them.

My challenge to you: Try to go without saying a curse word a whole day.  Then go a week.  See if you can do it.  I'll work on not saying "crap."  Try helping our children today to get their language under control.

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