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Friday, July 26, 2013

Family and Laughter

My Great Aunt and cousin have been helping Mom and me clean out Granny's house.  We work a few hours a day as long as Mom feels like it.  I do most of the lifting and moving since they cannot.  I hand them boxes and bags to go through while I go through my own, and then I take out the trash or recycling once we've sorted out what we want to keep, give to someone, donate, or to put in the garage sale.  Anyone in the family that wants something just needs to say what they want, and we will give it to them as long as no one else has claimed it. 

My Great Aunt brought her daughter, son, and daughter-in-law over this evening to "shop."  (Her other son and wife have already been "shopping" as this is the daughter-in-law who is helping us.)  Her daughter was looking for these little figurines she remembers playing with when visiting her Aunt (Granny) as a child. Her daughter-in-law was looking for anything she can use in her classroom.  After shopping and visiting for a bit, we all went over to my Great Aunt's house to visit.  They all had milkshakes, and we just went to visit.

I have not laughed that hard in a long time--especially with family.  My Great Aunt had all three children there and all but one spouse.  They told stories, remembered events from years ago, and laughed at themselves and each other.  They were so funny, and it felt so good to not only laugh but to watch the dynamics of this group.  They get together as often as they can.  Every time they get together, they laugh and truly enjoy each others' company, and they support one another and their children.  

My Great Uncle passed away at the end of April, and since then, her three children have been there every step of the way.  They make sure she eats each night, gets her hair done on Saturdays, makes it to/from work, and so much more.  They take turns taking care of/checking on her and working in her yard. She isn't a burden on them or an issue that is impacting their lives, but someone they truly enjoy visiting and being around.

I'm not doing a good job really explaining the atmosphere tonight or what it really felt like to experience this evening of fun, talking, and laughter, but I know it is something I truly miss and something I truly pray for my children (if I have any). 

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