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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fitness and Health

As you have seen by the recipes we have been trying, I am trying to eat healthier.  I have also tried to include a workout of some type each day.  If I only do the circuit at Curves, I try to walk on my treadmill about 30 minutes that night.  If I don't make it to Curves, I try to walk for an hour to get in 3 miles on the treadmill.  Since my BFF has begun focusing on her health and fitness, I have tried to join her when I can at Curves.  While she adds the treadmill workout at the end, I ride the stationary bike.

Today, in order for my BFF to have some family time and get in our workout, I went with her and her 3 kids to a walking trail.  It was a nice walk, despite the crazy wind and somewhat cooler temps.  The kids enjoyed it, we felt great, and we set a base line for minutes per mile.  Our goal is to get to a 15 minute mile.  We are at 19 right now.

I have convinced both BFFs to enter the Hot Chocolate Run on Feb. 8th, so we have to make sure we can walk close to a 15 minute mile for all 3 miles.  We are so excited and dedicated to this.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait until Feb. 8! We will be lean, mean, walking machines by then. :)
