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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pet Houseguests

Do you have pets?  Do loved ones ever bring their pets to your house to visit?  How do you handle it?  What do you do to prepare?  If they don't get along, how do you handle that?

My niece-kitty and nephew-kitty arrived late Friday night and will leave tomorrow.  They are three months old and full of energy. 

My kitty has had a terrible time with them being in her home. 

Night #1 was filled with the visiting kitties running all over, knocking things over/down, and doing whatever they wanted.  After riding for many hours in their little cage, we did not lock them in a room or block off any spaces. That in turn made my kitty hiss, howl, hide, and unhappy. 

Night #2 was a little better.  I put my kitty's litter box and food/water in my bedroom, and kept her inside with the door closed.  She got to sleep in her normal sleeping spots and didn't have to come in contact with the other kitties when trying to go potty or eat.  I slept better too.  I will do the same thing tonight.  During the day, my kitty is getting out and walking around the house more, but there is still hissing and howling.

I need to know what to do to make her more comfortable and not wanting to hide the whole time.  I don't want her to be a prisoner in a room, but we can't keep the visiting kitties locked-up the whole time either.

I'm sure they will be visiting more, so maybe they will get to know one another and the visits will get easier.

1 comment:

  1. Night #3 went well. She stayed in my room again, and we both got some sleep. She has slowly been coming out of hiding, roaming the house like normal, and watching the kittens. It just took her a little while to warm-up.
