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Friday, September 13, 2013

Homecoming and Class Reunion

20 years ago last month, I started college.  I said, "Good-bye," to high school life and began the process of growing up and becoming an adult.

20 years ago last May was the last time I was with the people I went to school with every day for 13 years.  Some joined us along the way, but there were a lot of us who started and finished together.

Tonight, many are gathering at the local football game for our Homecoming.  Tomorrow night, many are gathering for a little fun and concert.  I won't be joining them.  The people I  know well are those that I see or speak to regularly.  A lot of others I keep up with via Facebook.  Now, I feel like I spend more time (not literal time) with many classmates that didn't really speak to me in high school.  I do enjoy finding out what they are doing now and about their families, but I don't really talk to them normally, so I am OK with not seeing them this weekend. 

I went to my 10 yr reunion.  It was nice visiting with folks the night after the game, but when we had the dinner the following night, it was very much divided into the groups from high school.  There was an obvious separation of folks.

Homecoming used to be a big deal.  We wore Homecoming Mums all day Friday at school and at the game that night. We wore them to the Homecoming Parade on Saturday morning.  I still have mine hanging in the back of my closet. I had so looked forward to that tradition with my niece and nephew.

Now, the Homecoming Parade has been changed and moved to be the Unity Parade.  We now have two high schools, and the newer school griped and complained that they didn't have a Homecoming.  (You have to have a graduating class to come back "home" so you can have a Homecoming.)  Now, when the two high schools play one another, in order to not divide the town, they have Unity Week, the Unity Game, and now, the Unity Parade.  The town and school are working hard to make sure there isn't a division in the town.

Well . . . all that sounds find and all, but why can't Homecoming be the weekend both schools play one another?  Everyone could come home, support their team, visit with everyone they know, and more.  Just my thought, but no one asked me.

Homecoming Mums:
Our moms used to get together for "mum making parties."  They did such a great job!  Each year or high school was represented by different colors (adding silver or gold), we got to pick our trinkets, and more. 
Tonight, I have seen a few pictures from around the Metroplex, and I just don't understand why girls have them hanging on a ribbon that is then around their neck making the mum hang down their middle.  We used to pin them over to one side at the shoulder.  Just seems really odd to wear it in the middle.  Actually, I think it looks weird.  Just my opinion.  If they have to hang down the middle like a massive necklace, maybe they are just too big.

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