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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happy Grandparents' Day!

Happy Grandparents' Day!

What memories do you have of your grandparents?

As a child, my maternal grandparents moved from the coast to live nearby.  That allowed them to keep us after school and when we were sick, attend Grandparents' Day lunches, attend Awards Ceremonies and other school functions, teach us to drive, and support us in every way.  They were very, very involved in our lives.  When my niece and nephew came along, my grandmother was just as involved in their lives. How special is that?

My paternal grandparents lived about 20 minutes away, and we saw them on holidays. Due to my father's relationship with them growing up, we were not as close to them as we were my maternal grandparents.

I stayed with my paternal maternal great grandmother nearly every weekend from the time I was around 5 or 6 years old until I was 12 or 13.

My mom loves being a grandmother.  She was very involved in my niece and nephew's lives until a year ago, and she is still involved as she can be.  I am so glad they had the opportunity to stay with her, have her at their school events and sporting activities, and be spoiled by her.

I have always wanted to have children so they could be spoiled by Granny and Mom.  I wasn't able to have children, but my niece and nephew got the opportunity my wished for children did not.

I was blessed to be raised by multiple generations.  I loved that for my niece and nephew, and I truly wish they still had that opportunity.  So many children do not know their extended family.  Many grandparents are not in the position or location to help their children raise the grandchildren or simply spend time with them. Some grandparents do not want to be involved with their grandchildren for some reason.  I am just so grateful and blessed to have had the childhood I had and my niece and nephew have had the beginning opportunities they had.

Happy Grandparents' Day to all the grandparents out there!

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