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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, everyone!  What a joyous day it is!

This year, I feel that I understand Easter more than I have in the past.  I don't know if it is due to where I am in my life or because of the amazing services I have experienced during Holy Week.  It is probably a combination of both.

Not only have I gotten a better understanding of Jesus's last days through 24 Hours That Changed the World by Adam Hamilton, which we discussed over several weeks in Sunday School, but I attended Holy Week services for the first time.

Maundy Thursday service was fairly short, but powerful. We studied/heard about The Last Supper, what led to it, and what was foreshadowed. We had Communion just as Jesus has mandated. The scriptures were read aloud by three different parishioners in slightly different styles to help impress upon everyone the seriousness and action taking place. Can you imagine what He was thinking knowing what was ahead of Him?

Good Friday's service was beautiful. It was done in Tenebrae Style.  Songs were sung, scriptures were read, and the lighting was low.  As the story of Jesus's last days was told, various parishioners read the scriptures with songs sung by the choir in between, but the most powerful part to me was the lighting and extinguishing of the candles.  When the names of the Disciples were read, a candle was lit for each one.  As the story continued and the Disciples, one-by-one, denied Jesus, their names were said and candles extinguished.  When Jesus died on the cross, His candle was extinguished, and a black cloth was placed upon the cross.  When He had risen, His candle was reignited.  With the scripture, songs, candles . . . the service was very moving and explained the events and what Jesus experienced better than I had ever considered it. I so wish my niece and nephew could have been with me to experience this service.  If you, my readers, have never experienced a service like this, I highly recommend it.  I didn't do it justice in describing it to you. So powerful and moving!

Easter service was full of songs and joy as we were reminded that Jesus was placed in the tomb and rose again, just as he proclaimed.  The songs were beautiful and emphasized the story and its meaning.  The service ended with the Hallelujah Chorus.  Just beautiful!

A Facebook friend shared pictures of the Passover Experience that she and her family attended this Easter weekend.  This event in coordination with Holy Week would be quite the experience.  I hope, one day, that I can take my niece and nephew to each of these events.

Did you dye eggs this year?  This is one activity that I absolutely love.  I always have.  This is the first year I can think of that I have not dyed eggs. I loved it as a child and continued to dye them through college.  When my niece and nephew came along, I had an even better reason to keep doing it each year.  This year, we weren't together, so I didn't do it, but they shared a picture of their eggs with me.

I hope you and your family have had a wonderful, joyous Easter.

1 comment:

  1. I just read this article: The Silence of Saturday by Max Lucado. http://maxlucado.com/read/blog/the-silence-of-saturday/

    Very interesting!
