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Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm Getting Old

This year is my 20th High School Reunion.  A group of classmates is making plans for the event(s), so it will be fun to learn the plans.  With such a milestone glaring me in the face, it brings about many memories and thoughts.

I was blessed with being able to attend school K-12 in the same school district.  We had one elementary school (K-6), one middle school (7-8), and one high school (9-12).  Our middle school didn't have a cafeteria, so every day, they bused all the 7th and 8th graders to the elementary school for lunch.

When we graduated, we took a series of pictures.  We started with everyone who went to Kindergarten together and then added students who joined us each year--1st grade, 2nd grade, etc., until we were all in the picture as graduating Seniors.  I wish I had those pictures electronically.

I wasn't in the "popular" group.  I just "was" most of my school life.  When I got to middle school, I think it became more obvious that I was in the "advanced" group (not that I wasn't in elementary school). Once in high school, I became a "band nerd" and loved it.  I made some great friends through band.  I also had my friends with whom I had been in advanced classes all my life, but I started "hanging out" with my band friends. Many of my friends also went to church with me, so we had Youth Group experiences too. I loved going to Disciple Now, football games, Band Banquets, and more. Our Senior Cruise to the Bahamas was fun.

I am sure I will think of more things to say on this topic as the reunion approaches.

I am Facebook friends with many of my former classmates.  I didn't "hang out" with them or go to high school parties with them, but I know them, care about them, and am genuinely interested in their lives. (I think graduating with a class less than 100 makes everyone a little closer than high schools with hundreds of students.) If I haven't said it before, I am an Introvert, so even though I know these people, I will be extremely nervous and uncomfortable about the whole reunion, but it will be great to see everyone and listen to what is going on in their lives.

I wonder how many are still single, don't have children, and more. I am not married, and I do not have children.  I always thought I would.  I thought I would find "Mr. Right" while in college, get married right after college, and have 2 children by the time I turned 30.  Well, that didn't happen.  I can't decide if I just couldn't figure out what God's plan was and that I tried to be more in charge than Him so I messed all that up or if God's plan really was for me to still be single and childless at this age.  No need to question it.  I just continue to pray that I follow the path God has for me and to accept if that does not include a husband and children. However, all of these thoughts have come boiling up lately because one of my high school classmates, a girl whom I went to school with Kindergarten-12th grade and was at my Kindergarten birthday party, just announced that she will be a grandmother in July.  A grandmother!  I'm not even a mother. I am happy for her.  I absolutely love been an Auntie, so I know she will have a ton of fun as a grandmother.

I'll keep you posted on the reunion plans and God's plan for me.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, does this post make me feel old! ;)

    I'm glad to have been a band nerd with you! Love ya!
