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Monday, March 18, 2013

The Life of Christ

In Sunday School, we have been watching/discussing 24 Hours That Changed the World by Adam Hamilton.  It has been fascinating, moving, unbelievable, and so much more.  We have watched a video section each week followed by great discussion.

On Wednesday evenings, our Pastor has been leading a short 30 minute service around the senses.  The church doesn't normally have Wednesday services, but she has done it this year during Lent.  Wednesday night focused on touch.  She dramatically discussed the story of Jesus making the blind man see.  She then allowed each person to choose a Prayer Square.  We discussed how God is always there for us, and we just need to pray.  We also always have others praying for us.  The Prayer Square reminds us of these things.  We prayed holding our squares.  She then had us gather around the Baptism Fount.  We each chose a small black rock from the bottom of the basin.  This reminded us of being Baptized and what being Baptized means.  While the water will dry and go away, the rock will always be with us to remind us.  God is our rock.  This sermon really impacted my niece and nephew. 

While at the Palace of Wax, they had a Life of Christ exhibit.  It gave me an opportunity to talk about Christ with my niece and nephew.

The shepherds are told a child will be born in a manger.
A child is born in a manger.
A young Jesus learns from the priests.
Jesus teaches the children.
Jesus teaches the multitudes.
The Last Supper
Laying in the tomb.
He has risen!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to go check out that exhibit at the Palace of Wax.

    Anyone who hasn't seen "24 Hours That Changed the World" is truly missing out. Wow. That's all I can say.
