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Monday, November 3, 2014

Thoughts from a Spinster

1. According to a presentation on Friday (presenter's description of certain women in literary history), I am well on my way to being a spinster.

2. I can't tell you how many times this weekend I've been asked, "Where are you in your program?" (ie Doctoral Program) Um . . . finished 6.5 years ago. How young do I look? Note: Just last month, I was asked if I've retired.

3. Just because someone attends a research conference doesn't mean they must be in Higher Ed. Some folks enjoy working within school districts at various levels. No need to look down upon us or feel sorry for us or assume we don't have our Doctorates yet. The comments/questions weren't so bad, but the facial expressions and body language that went along with it were pretty brutal. 

4. Learning is fun and allows us to gain so many new ideas. I have a few ideas to share with everyone for vocabulary and other literacy strategies, with our History Dept. on making History more engaging, with our Creative Writing teacher, with our Spanish teacher, and with our Science Coordinator for our 1 to 1 iPad initiative. I have a few ideas for my own research too.

5. I'm a great timekeeper for presenters during their presentations. However, they must pay attention to me in order to stay on time. 

6. There is no Shepherd's Pie like the Shepherd's Pie served/eaten in an authentic London Pub. MMMmmmmm, good! Blue Anchor Pub is delicious!

7. My niece and nephew are so creative and had some of the best Halloween costumes ever.  She went as Junie B. Jones to school and a Minion for trick-or-treating. He went as the main character from Maze Runner to school and an old man or old Native American or something while trick-or-treating.

8. It is very hard being away from family on a holiday.

9. Conferences aren't all fun and games. I had to get some work done too, so I knocked out two tests. One more to go. (Nothing like procrastinating.)

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