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Friday, August 15, 2014

More Unpacking

Yesterday and today have been spent doing even more unpacking.  I spent all morning yesterday working with the new teachers.  When I returned to my office, both professional looking desks and all their parts had been removed, all the books sitting on top of the desk were put back in boxes, and all the filing cabinets were gone.  Do you know how much work I had done????  Any way . . . 2 new/different desks were placed in there.  More teacher like than professional, but they will be fine.

By the end of today, I had unpacked a total of 85 boxes of books.  There are still at least 10-20 more to go.  I am out of space to even work.  I have boxes of stuff that are not novels, but I have nowhere to put those items, and I can't unpack them until I finish with the books.  Boxes just keep getting moved around trying to make space.  I would love to move some finished boxes (sorted, labeled, and ready for classroom libraries) to the hallway, but they haven't waxed it yet, so I am trying to stay out of the custodians' way.

I got 2 tables that match the desks to help add work space for me and if someone is ever hired for the other position.  I almost lost the tables b/c they weren't supposed to be in my office, but after some talking and working with others, it all worked out, and I get to keep my furniture.  I still have no storage, so I have gotten 3 small cabinets with doors and shelves.  They will work fine.  I almost lost those too due to miscommunication and lack of labeling, but I have them back now.  Yea!  I will give them away if I don't need them when the shelves are put in.

Furniture is really a small thing, so I am not stressing.  I do have the largest office in the entire building, and for that, I am grateful.  Now . . . to get these books out so I can work on my stuff and decorate! That will take several more days and many more hours.

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