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Monday, August 4, 2014

100 Miles in August

Have you heard about #August100Miles?  You can learn more at https://ilovetorun.org or on their Facebook page.

I first saw it b/c a Facebook friend liked and joined it.  I then started looking into it.  For those of you who have read a few of my posts, you know I am not a runner. Maybe some day I will be, but I'm not there.  These knees of mine aren't young and spry.  :-) However, I am a walker.  Most of the time, I could walk more than I actually do.  My mind keeps me from going or I run out of time.

My BFF and I were looking for a challenge from July 4th to the beginning of school.  Well, we didn't really find one, but when I saw this, we were hooked!  We started on July 31st and have been focused ever since.  We did not officially join to get the buckle, but we are accountable to one another and will know we did it for the health and fitness benefits.

She did the math and figured out we had to do 3.23 miles a day. That is our goal, and we do at least that each night when we walk.  We used July 31st as an extra day in case something happens and we don't get 3.23 in one day.  I also include the other mileage I accumulate throughout the day and is recorded with my Fitbit. In just 4 days, I have walked 29.54 miles.  Yea!


  1. Go us!! We can do it!

    I don't count my FitBit mileage. I only count my "extra" walking--when I'm purposefully walking. I guess counting my entire mileage feels like cheating. haha!

    The hardest part will be when school is back in session! Good luck to us!

  2. I completely understand what you mean. I really do try to shoot for more than our 3.23 a day, and most days I have done that. Thank goodness! I have at least 29.07 from our walk for nine days and 44.04 overall for 9 days. There are some days I don't move much other than our walk, sadly, so I like to see both numbers.
