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Friday, May 3, 2013

Just Call Me Shellerbeller

Today, my maternal side of the family gathered again--the 3rd time in four and a half months to say "good-bye" to a loved one.  My Great Uncle passed away after developing an infection and could no longer breathe on his own.

From the earliest time I can remember, he called me, "Shellerbeller."  Every time I saw him. Always with a smile.

I enjoyed all the time I spent with him, my Great Aunt, and their kids.  They belonged to a church where everyone seemed to attend weekly and also marry.  My parents were married in the church as well (years before I came along).  We visited on occasion when I was a child, and I attended VBS for years.  Their kids played on the church softball team, and I remember many times being at their house and everyone coming over before and/or after the game. It seemed like everything revolved around the church.  My Great Uncle was passionate about the Lord, and he wanted others to come to know the Lord.  His beliefs were evident in how he carried himself and raised his kids.

As I looked around the chapel during the service, I recognized many people.  Some were family, some were folks I didn't know, friends of the family, and others were people I remember from the church, who I haven't seen in many, many years.  It became very evident that my Great Aunt and Uncle have had friends from church for nearly 40-60 years. I hope, if I am blessed to have children, that I can raise them in a church where they can make friends, have lasting influences, and grow to love the Lord, becoming good Christian examples to others.

I also noticed how passionate and loving the family is with one another as well as with those they haven't seen in a while.  This is another way my Great Uncle has been an example to everyone.  He was always ready to give a hug.

He has left such a lasting influence on his family and all who knew him.  He will greatly be missed.

Photos from his funeral

I had a hard time with his passing.  I think it was because it came on the heels of my grandmother's death.  My Great Aunt was there to ride with me to the hospital, where Granny was pronounced, and she held my hand as the Dr gave us the "official" news.  I'm still grieving for her, and now this.  The one thought I just couldn't shake was that my Great Aunt has now lost her brother, sister, and husband in 4.5 months.  It is just too much for one person to handle.  The more I think about this, the more emotional I become. I continue to pray for her and the family.  Other than being here for her, that is all I can do.

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