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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  Do you have any traditions to celebrate?

I think we always gave Mom a card, maybe a gift, and we either went to lunch or dinner or my dad grilled.  Because Granny lived so close, we always included her in our celebration, and when my brother married and my nephew and then niece were born, my brother, sister-in-law, and the kids were included.

This year is a little different.  This will be our first Mother's Day without Granny, and I know this is weighing on my mother.  This has been a very hard year for Mom.  1. Due to her medical needs, she has been hospitalized several times and is now on oxygen full time.  2. My brother chose to move his family 5 hours away.  For almost 11 years, she kept my niece and nephew when my brother and sister-in-law worked, and they lived with us for several years.  Her whole life was devoted to them.  In June, her whole life changed when they moved.  3.  And now, she has lost her mother, after being her full time caretaker the three months leading up to her death.

Yesterday, Mom wanted to go over to Granny's house to continue going through things and clean.  We worked in the master bedroom where we found every card Granny received between 2001 and 2004.  I know people keep a few special cards through the years.  Mom has some in her dresser drawer, but Granny kept every card.  Who does that? She had notebooks with clear sheets containing two cards each.  I'm not sure how many there were, but we went through several notebooks looking at each card. It was fun looking at how my niece and nephew signed their names as infants and toddlers.  They were budding writers.  :-)

We then went to the cemetery to check on Granny's name plate.  It was our first time back since the funeral.

I wish I could do something to make this a wonderful Mother's Day, but I think we will just use this one to process all that has happened and make it a low key kind of day.  We'll have lunch and dinner together.  She will open a present from my niece and nephew and a card from me.  We'll just relax throughout the day.

My mom is one of the strongest people I know.  She has handled all her loss and life's ups and downs with strength and grace.  She doesn't let it all get her down or stop her in her tracks.  She continues to do what she can--running the highway to see her grandchildren, fighting her medical needs to get back on her feet, and getting up everyday to do what she can to take some of the work off of me.  Yesterday, I mowed our nearly two acres.  She didn't want me to be outside alone, so she sat on the porches and watched.  While I was in the back acre, she moved her portable oxygen tank around the yard while she weedeated.  Who does that?  My mom!

I love my mom immensely and greatly appreciate all she has done for me--her support, encouragement, time, spirit, the skills she has taught me, everything and so much more!
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day to my sister-in-law, who has given me the most amazing niece and nephew ever.  What amazing young people they are!

Happy Mother's Day to my two dearest friends, who are amazing Moms with the stresses of full time jobs, and so much more.  You are great role models for your children!

Happy Mother's Day to my co-workers, who are in different stages of parenting and have taught me how to handle both stages with energy and grace.

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

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