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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Glen Rose and Ft. Worth, Texas

Looking for a great day trip in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex?  Try Glen Rose and Ft. Worth, Texas!

The first weekend of 2013 was a beautiful one, and I had the great privilege of spending it with my niece and nephew. 

On Saturday, we went to Glen Rose and enjoyed Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, where we fed animals as we drove through the park.

After a bite to eat, we headed to Dinosaur Valley State Park.  It was a warm, sunny day on the first Saturday of January.  We climbed down to the river to see the dinosaur tracks in Site #1.  We then climbed back up to drive over to Site #2, where we climbed back down to the river and played around, crossing the river by stepping on the rocks, and coming back across.  The kids took their shoes and socks off to enjoy the water.  We have been to DVSP before, but the river was always higher and faster, which made it difficult to see the dinosaur tracks.  We could see them this time, and we could cross the river without worry.

On Sunday, we drove to Ft. Worth to enjoy the Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History.  The kids have been very interested in all things Titanic.  FWMSH had an exhibit displaying artifacts salvaged from the bottom of the ocean, information about passengers while on the ship, and if they survived or not.  As we entered the exhibit, we were each given a boarding pass with a name of a passenger and other interesting information.  We knew a little about why our passengers were on the ship, what class they were, what rooms they were assigned, and little more, but we were not told whether or not they survived.  By the end of the exhibit, we found out. 

After completing the exhibit, we visited the rest of the museum.

It was a great weekend, and I absolutely loved seeing the kids.

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