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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bronze Award Project

Our January 25th meeting was all business.  We don't like to do an "all business" meeting, but we had to have discussions that needed to lead to a decision and then planning for the Bronze Aware project/award.  The girls had created a list of ideas a few months ago.  Last night, we broke them into two groups.  Each group was asked to narrow the choices down to their top three.  Once both groups had three, we discussed them and then narrowed them down to one.  Both groups chose two that were the same and then each had a different one.  After discussing projects other local troops have done and some future projects, the girls decided to make bags/baskets for church shut-ins for four holidays between now and the end of May.  They chose Valentine's Day, a Girl Scouts themed one to deliver on Girl Scout Sunday, Easter, and Spring.  Once they had their concept and four holidays, they brainstormed a list of items to give elderly church members for each theme.  J and I bought the items for the Valentine's gifts based on their lists and a few things we know about the church members.  The girls will spend the February 1st meeting putting things together.

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