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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Health News with Changes to Come

About three weeks ago I went and did blood work.  I love doing this with my Dr's office b/c the results are so detailed and really explain what is going on within my body.  Today, I went to find out the results.  Because I have been working out and changed how I've been eating to add more fruits, vegetables, fish, and chicken, and less carbs, sweets, and processed foods, I just knew I would have good results.  I even did the Dr. Oz cleanse.  No.  I was floored and highly upset by what I learned.  I controlled my tears and emotions until after I left, thank goodness, but I was so upset.  We went through the paperwork one page at a time, and I listened intently.  Here is what I learned:

I have been working so hard, but have little to show for it.  This is b/c my hormones and glands are working against me.  With a supplement for Folic Acid and B12, supplement to help with hormones, and a prescription to help my Thyroid, I truly hope to have much better results in 2-3 months.  I sure hope these do the trick and I can actually have more successful weight loss.

Despite this, I have officially lost 60 pounds as of today.  It has taken me 4 years, so maybe I can lose more and faster if the supplements and prescriptions work.

I go back 8 weeks from the time I start the meds to see what my hormones are doing.

The other thing that was written in my paperwork was "No Gluten!"  I have already moved from white bread/flour/carbs/pasta to whole wheat.  Now, I have to cut all that out.  I will have to read all labels and skip anything with wheat, barley, and rye in it.

If you have any gluten free suggestions, I am all ears.

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