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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pet Peeves on the Highway

Do things along your drive just irritate you?  In the last few weeks, a few things have happened that really frustrate me.

Entering the highway:
In my opinion, entering the highway is a privilege and not a right. Some states/highways have lights that tell drivers when they can enter the highway, but most that I drive do not.  Yes, drivers in the right lane should move over, when possible, to allow cars/trucks to enter the highway, but many times that cannot happen. Cars, and especially 18 wheelers or large trucks, need to enter the highway cautiously and ready to stop if needed.

Twice in two weeks, once as a passenger and once as the driver, I have been traveling down the highway, in the right lane and not able to get over, and had large trucks just barrel their way onto the highway. They gained speed while on the ramp and never slowed down.  As the passenger, the driver did all she could to get out of the way with a car next to her, but I was afraid I was going to be crushed as the truck just kept barreling toward us.  No brake lights!  As the driver, I was scared to death, and thank goodness, I could get into the left lane at the absolute last minute. Both of these situations could have ended terribly, but I know God was protecting me.  Had the truck drivers been more cautious, slowed down, and yielded to highway traffic, neither of these situations would have happened.

Note--My grandfather, uncle, and brother have all driven 18 wheelers, so they hold a special place in my heart, and I respect what they have to deal with on the highway, so I try to drive cautiously around them.

I live near a river, and there are no service roads over the river.  If there is an accident or there is construction, then traffic gets really bad. I am all for getting to your destination as fast as you can, etc., but it angers me when people get on the service roads to bypass the traffic on the highway and then expect those on the highway to just let them on.  Really?  We have been sitting on the highway far longer than those cars have been on the service road.  Again, it is a right to get on the highway, and when these cars just push their way on with no regard to others, it angers me.

It would also be nice if the construction workers/company thought about the entrance ramps in the construction zone, even if it is the last one before the service roads end.  In my opinion, if that entrance ramp had been closed, it would have helped move traffic along on the highway so much faster.  Yes, there would be confusion and traffic on the service road (and in this location, it really wouldn't be that big a deal), but instead of 3 lanes going into 1, there would only be 2 going into 1.

Also, there should be an app or site to go to to see all construction zones, delays, accidents, etc.  (There might be one, but I don't know about it.)  Accidents and traffic are hardly ever announced in my area.  By the time I get on the highway and get to the backup, it is too late to get off, go around, or there are no service roads.  If we know early enough, there are no less than 3 other ways for me to get home.  I just have to know in advance!

Do you have pet peeves involving the highway or driving?

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