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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day = Girl Scout Planning

I am off work and almost every school district and business around me is closed today due to the sleet and snow that fell overnight and this morning.  What does one do with a day off?  Well, if you are a Girl Scout Leader and/or serve on the Service Unit Team, there is always work to be done.

I have been working with my co-leader the past few days to plan our next meeting.  This meeting will incorporate cookie booth sales and World Thinking Day.

We have been working on both Try-Its tied to cookies.  One is in the Try-It book, Cookies Count, I believe, but the other, Smart Cookie, can be found online at http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_central/insignia/online/cookies/brownie_smart_cookie.asp.
By the time our booth sales end, our girls should have both of these.

We need to make signs for our booth sales, discuss "thanking" our customers, practice selling to booth sale patrons, and ask our parents to work with our girls on making change.  We have to create a shopping list too, so we just need items to make the posters for this part of the meeting.

The rest of the evening will be spent working on our presentation station for our local World Thinking Day event.  Those organizing the event let us know two days ago what our country would be.  (We had to give our top 3 choices.)  We have been asked to create a presentation board, possibly made from a science fair board, that shares something about what Girl Scouts is like in that country, their language, a snack, a game, a SWAP, and their flag.

We are going to make a flag from a pillowcase.  We will probably create it with fabric paint, but we haven't made a final decision yet.

We haven't decided on our snack yet, but we need to feed about 150 people, and we need something that can be kept hot or cold easily or can be enjoyed at room temperature. 

As for our SWAP, we need something easy enough for our girls to complete and also make 150 during our meeting.  Besides making the item, we need to print little cards with our troop #, World Thinking Day 2011, and something that goes along with our country.

We have seen a couple of games that wouldn't be too hard, so we will have to make sure we have the space necessary around our station to play it.

Our presentation board will include the Law, Promise, pictures of uniforms, and more that represent Girl Scouts in our country.  This will probably be posted in the country's language and English.

Guess we'll complete the shopping list, and when we thaw out, we'll go get the supplies.  The meeting should be fun.  Maybe I will be able to post some pictures.

What are all of you doing for World Thinking Day?  Know of any helpful sites?

Do you have any good ideas to make the most of booth sales? 

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